Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fashion; Helping One Woman Cross Religious Boundaries

Teaneck, New Jersey, October 4, 2010- For twelve years now, Beverly Luchfeld, President and owner of Raza Designs Apparel has been crossing religious and political boundaries to sell her collection of modest, elegant women’s clothing. The very fashionable evening gowns, hostess gowns, and caftans are designed to accommodate the different religious standards of Christians, Jews, and Muslims. To accomplish this task Luchfeld has designed a multitude of different lines, which take style, size, length, and even fabric into consideration. Dress lengths vary from anywhere below the knee (a requirement for many Jews) to down to the ankle (as required by many Muslim communities). Sizing of the gowns is also key since many religious women cannot where fitted clothes.
The “special interest story here” is not that the company does its utmost to cater to the special needs of each target group - but in doing so has had to unite the different factions by accentuating their similarities rather than their differences. Luchfeld believes that people in conflict can resolve their differences and coexist once they identify a common ground.
Raza Designs opened its doors in 1994. Originally, the business catered almost exclusively to religious Christian and Jewish women. But at some point in 1996 a small Saudi Arabian importer seeking modest gowns for its customers - extremely religious Muslim women, approached the company. Since then Raza has expanded and serves Muslim communities in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and the U.S.
To help achieve her goal Luchfeld has written several articles for both Jewish newspapers (e.g. the Jewish Press) and the Muslim press (e.g.Azizah magazine). The articles discuss the importance of properly educating today’s youth to recognize the similarities between them and their “ enemies” rather then highlighting their differences. In addition, Raza designs have sponsored trunk shows in Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities nation wide. Profits from the show are earmarked for children’s education or women’s career development within the community.
Luchfeld believes that it is the mothers of the world who have been most harmed by the religious destruction occurring. Quoting Julia Ward Howe (abolitionist, pacifist and creator of Mother’s Day) Luchfeld emphatically states:
“ Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage,
For caresses and applause.
Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn
All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience.
We, the women of one country,
Will be too tender of those of another country…”
In other words, if a lasting peace is to be achieved, the mothers of the world must step up to the task.
Areas where the three cultures overlap are in the U. S. and the Middle East. The bulk of Raza’s business is done in these two areas of the world. More details on Raza Designs and its products are available online at WWW.RAZADESIGNS.COM. Catalogs are available upon request (Call 800-715-2195 or 201-3574305).

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