Would you like a Shabbos Robe as your Hanukah gift?
My sales trips require of me to travel the Jewish World Map frequently. As we all know, each community has it's own Minhagim. Many of these Minhagim are very new, and I enjoy listening and comparing different communities' customs. Recently, I learned, for example, some local communities require the Hatan write in the T’naiim that both the Kallah and her mother must wear Shabbos Robes on Erev Shabbos and Shabbos. The Shabbos Robe Stores and Manufacturers should be thrilled with that built-in requirement! They owe a tithe of their profits to those Rebbeim!
Another interesting custom I've discovered in my travels deals with the different attitudes towards Chanukah gift-giving. In the New York area Chanukah tends to be a time for giving gifts and “ Gelt” to the kleine kinderle (the small children). But in“ Galus” – Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Baltimore, Montreal, Florida, Toronto, Los Angeles etc., Chanukah is a time for giving gifts to all good Jews- adults and children alike. Shabbos robes for the women and Smoking Jackets for the men are very much in demand at this time of year out there in America (and Canada).
I had an inkling of this tradition over 10 years ago when I began to get reorders on Yom Tov (Rosh Hashana) robes for Chanukah. Most of the reorders came from the Midwest -Chicago, and Detroit. In addition to the robes, Chicago customers pleaded for smoking jackets - a Modern kapote for their mates. Moreover, they sought out coordinated outfits for each other- matching robes and smoking jackets in velvet and/or tapestry.
Ten year ago days, Brooklyn was the center of Jewish custom and style. I,therefore, didn't pay attention to the different attitudes toward Chanukah and gift giving. Now more and more, I am impressed how many Brooklyn residents have moved throughout North America, Europe and Israel. The transported Brooklynites have greatly influenced their neighbours, but they in turn have been influenced by their neighbours. Chanukah Gift -Giving to Adults is catching on all over. Even exiled Brooklyn Jews are capitulating and buying their mates gifts. How do I know ? The Internet tells me so. Every day I receive urgent requests from both men and women for robes to be gift wrapped and sent to a dear one. --- and that smoking jacket is a close second! (FYI; the smoking jacket is not on the site www.razadesigns.com! )
I am very jealous of the women who receive gifts from their husbands. These men take such an interest in their wives and they are so proud of them. These men know their spouse's taste,size,favorite color,etc. I have men that return each season to buy their wives a new robe. We often conduct 15 to 30 minute consultations to decide on the right robe.The men are so diligent and want to please!
If I fail to find the right gift there is always the "gift certifcate" as an alternative. Most people do not go that route. They rather buy a robe and have the person exchange it for something else. The gift giver feels a gift certicate reflects a certain laziness and indecision on their part - and they love the element of "surprise".
At Chanukah, many Jewish communities request that I help organize fundraisers in their town. They know that they can raise funds for their schools,shuls,and sisterhoods by selling robes as gifts to families. The profits go straight to their preferred charity. At this very minute,there are Chanukah Fundraisers going on in Cleveland,Cinncinnati, St.Louis, Washington Heights,and Elisabeth, New Jersey.
The name "Raza" comes from the Erev Shabbos prayer (Nusach Sephard) "Raza DeShabbata"-- the "Secret of the Sabbath". The secret of Sabbath is the Secret of Chanukah, of Rosh Hashana, of Pesach and of every good marriage. Treat your husband royally. Give him good food and good drink. - And your wife . Treat her royally! Give her trinkets and gifts. Show your love, reinforce your love. "Raza DeShabbata- the Secret of the Sabbath" is to give your spouse a gift a Shabbos Robe, A smoking Jacket, - anything - but show your love!
Ten year ago days, Brooklyn was the center of Jewish custom and style. I,therefore, didn't pay attention to the different attitudes toward Chanukah and gift giving. Now more and more, I am impressed how many Brooklyn residents have moved throughout North America, Europe and Israel. The transported Brooklynites have greatly influenced their neighbours, but they in turn have been influenced by their neighbours. Chanukah Gift -Giving to Adults is catching on all over. Even exiled Brooklyn Jews are capitulating and buying their mates gifts. How do I know ? The Internet tells me so. Every day I receive urgent requests from both men and women for robes to be gift wrapped and sent to a dear one. --- and that smoking jacket is a close second! (FYI; the smoking jacket is not on the site www.razadesigns.com! )
I am very jealous of the women who receive gifts from their husbands. These men take such an interest in their wives and they are so proud of them. These men know their spouse's taste,size,favorite color,etc. I have men that return each season to buy their wives a new robe. We often conduct 15 to 30 minute consultations to decide on the right robe.The men are so diligent and want to please!
If I fail to find the right gift there is always the "gift certifcate" as an alternative. Most people do not go that route. They rather buy a robe and have the person exchange it for something else. The gift giver feels a gift certicate reflects a certain laziness and indecision on their part - and they love the element of "surprise".
At Chanukah, many Jewish communities request that I help organize fundraisers in their town. They know that they can raise funds for their schools,shuls,and sisterhoods by selling robes as gifts to families. The profits go straight to their preferred charity. At this very minute,there are Chanukah Fundraisers going on in Cleveland,Cinncinnati, St.Louis, Washington Heights,and Elisabeth, New Jersey.
The name "Raza" comes from the Erev Shabbos prayer (Nusach Sephard) "Raza DeShabbata"-- the "Secret of the Sabbath". The secret of Sabbath is the Secret of Chanukah, of Rosh Hashana, of Pesach and of every good marriage. Treat your husband royally. Give him good food and good drink. - And your wife . Treat her royally! Give her trinkets and gifts. Show your love, reinforce your love. "Raza DeShabbata- the Secret of the Sabbath" is to give your spouse a gift a Shabbos Robe, A smoking Jacket, - anything - but show your love!
Beverly Luchfeld
Raza Designs
Work: 201-3574305
Home: 201-9280785
Cell; 917-5861146
Fax: 201-4431205
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